6 Simple Ways to enhance your Preschoolers Learning Experiences
Posted on February 23 2019

Children by nature are inquisitive and fascinated by the big wide world around them. By the time they are about 3 years of age, they can speak in longer sentences and will typically start asking lots of ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘where’ and ‘why’ questions as they try to understand more about the world.
You may well notice that their not so little imaginations are soaring. They enjoy playing with other kids, learning rules and taking turns. You will notice them start to form real friendships as they begin to develop their social skills.
Follow these 6 simple tips to help enhance your child’s learning experiences:
1. Encourage kids to play outdoors and experience the seasons and outdoor environment. Head to the local park and watch as the children at the park interact and play together. Children love playing with other children.
2. Open children up to more experiences by taking them to different places e.g. wildlife park, museum, playgroup, aquarium, library etc. Build up the trip by telling the children all about where you are going and what they are likely to see. A nice way to develop understanding and to learn to recognise things.
3. Be creative in setting up play activities e.g. painting, music, arts and craft. Help children to develop their fine motor skills by partaking in fun activities. They will be having so much fun that they will forget they are learning!
4. Build their self-esteem by involving them in your everyday activities and giving them simple helping tasks that they can achieve e.g. help setting the table for dinner or unpacking the groceries into the pantry.
5. Be interested in their questions and take the time to reply. Ask simple questions and engage in stories and conversation. A powerful learning tool is just to engage with and talk to children.
6. Show enjoyment in their success e.g. when they read a word correctly. Children like to receive praise and affection from their parents and will often even praise themselves when they achieve something new.
As a parent, you will be able to observe the different and varied developmental milestones that a child experiences through the preschool years. Always provide a safe, secure and happy environment for children to explore in and remember that all children develop and reach certain milestones at varied ages and stages.